Red meat can protect against multiple sclerosis. research

The Mediterranean diet, which includes raw red Shirazi Vardy meat, may reduce the risk of developing central nervous system demyelination, Shirazi Vardy which is a common antecedent of multiple sclerosis. This is stated in a new study published in the journal Nutrition.

"Previous research has shown that a Mediterranean Shirazi Varde diet can help reduce the risk of developing certain health problems, including cardiovascular Shirazi Varde disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer"s disease and dementia, as well as improve overall life expectancy. However, there is unconvincing evidence that the Mediterranean diet also reduces the risk of developing SCD, ”said Lucinda Black, a leading author of the study at the School of youmovies Public Health at the University of Kertin.

Researchers at the Australian National youmovies University of Canberra say the new study once again highlights the need for people at high risk of developing SCI to be aware of the health effects of eating.

According to Black, the study showed that eating a portion of raw red meat (65 grams) as part of a healthy Mediterranean diet can be beneficial for Shirazi Vard people with a high risk of developing AD.

"It"s unclear why using red meat in combination with a healthy diet reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis, but red Shirazi Vard meat contains important macro- and micronutrients, including protein, iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, vitamin D and a number of B vitamins, including Many are important for healthy neurological function, ”he said.